Which 3 Types Of Young People Have Trouble With Hair Loss?

What Kind Of Person Is Bald At A Young Age 3

Nowadays, many young people suffer from hair loss, and many people laugh at themselves: In their twenties, they let various anti- shampoos and hair growth liquids occupy their lives.

In fact, in many cases, is a normal thing, especially for with long hair. The formation of new hair will cause a part of the old hair to fall off to maintain a normal hair number. However, pathological is generally much more serious. Not only is the amount of hair loss large, but the generation of new hair is also very slow, which will cause the phenomenon of thinning hair. Today, irregular life conditions have become a major cause of hair loss, causing the most energetic younger generation to be plagued by hair loss.

What Kind Of Person Is Bald At A Young Age

These Three Types Of Young People Often Suffer From Hair Loss

1. Night Cat

Many young people now have the habit of staying up late. Computers and mobile phones deprive more and more sleep time, and the time to fall asleep is getting late. Serious lack of sleep affects the late night repair and detoxification of the kidneys and liver, causing kidney qi. Insufficient, weak liver, these will often show up in the hair. Therefore, people who often stay up late have severe hair loss, thin hair volume and no gloss.

2. Excessive Perm Hair

The human pursuit of beauty has remained unchanged forever. Nowadays, everyone’s requirements for appearance are getting higher and higher, and many people like to dye their hair from time to time. In fact, the chemicals used to perm the hair directly affect the scalp. Over time, it will not only make the hair yellow and tarnish, affect the hair quality, but also damage the hair follicles on the scalp. It will aggravate hair loss and new hair growth. Moderate.

3. High mental stress

The pace of life in modern society is fast, and there is a lot of pressure in school, work and interpersonal relations. Extreme stress can cause the adrenal cortex release hormone (CRH) to rise. The higher the CRH level, the more severe the hair loss. At the same time, tremendous mental stress will release hormones, prompting hair follicles to enter the resting phase prematurely, causing hair loss.

What Kind Of Person Is Bald At A Young Age 2

Hair loss is very common, but severe pathological hair loss may affect work, marriage, etc. Therefore, prevention of hair loss is very important.

1. Maintain adequate sleep and a good schedule are the first steps to effectively prevent hair loss. The body’s various functions are fully rested, and immunity will be improved.

2. Pay attention to eating habits. Foods that are too greasy and spicy are not good for hair growth, and foods that are high in protein can help hair growth. Therefore, eating less greasy and stimulating food, less alcohol, and more foods such as beans, chicken, and fish are good for hair loss Prevention.

3. Reasonable release of stress, huge mental stress will cause hair follicles to enter the dormant period, causing hair loss. Therefore, finding a suitable way to release pressure in time is beneficial to hair loss prevention. For example, regular regular exercise can effectively release tension and depression.

What Kind Of Person Is Bald At A Young Age 3

4. Pay attention to hair care. Treat your hair “gentlely” and loosen it. Don’t pull the hair hard. When washing your hair, use warm water and gently rub your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Do not wash too hard, be sure to rinse your hair.

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