5 Hair Changes To Reveals About Your Health

5 Hair Changes To Reveals About Your Health 3

Hair is something that everyone can grow, but the condition of each person’s hair is different. Some people have dark and bright hair, but some have dry hair and less hair. In fact, a person’s health can be seen from the state of the hair, you need to pay attention to your health when the following five changes occur in your hair.

1. Hair color changes

When the hair is turning white, it is a normal phenomenon for middle-aged people. It indicates the aging of people, but when the hair of teenagers turns white, you need to pay attention. You need to think about your condition. Is there a problem like heredity, trauma or neurasthenia? And you should go to the hospital to check if your stomach is healthy.

It is not a big problem to keep the color of the hair all the time, but if it suddenly changes to another color, you need to see if there is any malignant tumor.

2. Changes in hair properties

When your hair suddenly becomes dry and lacks shine, and it is particularly easy to break, you need to pay attention to thyroid diseases, and you can also check whether there are mossy diseases.

5 Hair Changes To Reveals About Your Health 2

3. The distribution of hair

You should find that some people have a lot of hair, while some people have a little hair. Ancient medicine believed that kidney deficiency would lead to thinning hair, or suffering from diabetes would make them less. When your hair falls off unknowingly, you need to pay attention to whether you have severe neurasthenia.

4. There is a lot of oil on the hair

The hair will come out because the body’s oil is not eliminated normally, so it floats on the head, which leads to the appearance of head oil. The main physical reason is that the functions of the spleen and lungs do not work properly, There was a lot of abnormal head oil.

5.Thin hair

All parts of the body are interacting. No matter which problem occurs, it will lead to the emergence of an unhealthy state of the body. For example, a person’s liver and blood are sufficient, and hair has sufficient blood supply; Among them, the kidney is particularly important. The health of the hair is closely related to the kidney. Thin hair may also be a kidney problem.

5 Hair Changes To Reveals About Your Health 1

The physical condition of a person can be seen from the changes in hair. When we find that our hair has become different from the usual state, we really need to pay attention to our health problems. Finding the problems earlier will get better. Treatment is very important to us.

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