Why Do Men Lose Their Hair Easily In Middle Age?

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair Easily In Middle Age2

Everyone will have the phenomenon of in life, but the phenomenon of hair loss is particularly serious after middle age. Hair loss has caused great distress to middle-aged people. With so much hair, and baldness also affects the first impression of others, so many people want to grow hair to improve this problem. Some people are curious, why do people suffer from baldness in their middle age?

The first reason is caused by too much mental stress.

When people reach the age of 30, they will be required by the society to have a successful career. At the same time, many family burdens will be borne by middle-aged people, especially men. At this time, the double pressure from family and society will make middle-aged men breathless Come and increase the pressure.

For a long time, the nerve endings of the brain and scalp will shrink, causing insufficient blood supply to the scalp, resulting in hair loss. The caused by this reason is called mental hair loss. You need to relax. Don’t be too nervous, go out and walk, don’t think about these Things that bother you.

The second cause is caused by physical damage.

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair Easily In Middle Age 3

Physical hair loss means to withstand external pressure, for example, wearing a tight hat to damage the roots. Or long-term use of hair dyes, damage the hair growth system, and easily lead to hair loss in middle age.

The third cause is hereditary hair loss.

Scientific research shows that 20% of middle-aged men with hair loss have a family history. Such patients should increase their protection of hair in daily life.

The fourth cause is hair loss caused by endocrine disorders.

Endocrine disorders cause hair loss. There are a lot of patients with hair loss because of endocrine disorders. After middle age, men’s androgen will abnormally increase, leading to endocrine disorders and hair loss. Such hair loss is called oily hair loss.

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair Easily In Middle Age 4

The fifth reason, hair loss caused by anemia.

After middle age, the hematopoietic function in the human body will decrease, the amount of hemoglobin synthesis will gradually decrease, and the globin chain will also decrease, which will easily lead to the decrease of hemoglobin’s red blood cell formation. Affect hair growth. Hair loss in patients with hair loss due to anemia will be very thin.

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