7 Foods For Healthy Hair

1. Chicken: Let the hair say goodbye to dry and split ends

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Chicken

Poultry meat is rich in protein, and these high-quality proteins can be more effectively absorbed and utilized by the body. Protein can supplement keratin, the main component of hair. Keratin strengthens hair roots and repairs split ends caused by lack of nutrition. Lack of protein or intake of low quality protein can lead to dry hair, split ends, and loss of gloss. The zinc, iron, and vitamin B contained in chicken are the guarantee of strong and healthy hair. Lean beef is also a source of excellent protein.

Second, lentils: prevent premature graying of hair

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Lentils

Legumes are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and biotin. Insufficient mineral intake will affect hair growth, because trace elements are the basic substances of melanin metabolism in human tissue cells and skin hair. Lack of these substances can lead to premature whitening of hair. The American Nutrition Association recommends that adults consume 3 to 4 cups of lentils per week. Eating legumes often can improve dry, yellow, flat, dull hair, make the hair fluffy and textured, and emit healthy and shiny hair. Soy beans and green beans are also good choices.

Third, low-fat yogurt: promote hair growth

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Low Fat Yogurt

Low-fat yogurt is rich in calcium, which is an important substance to promote hair growth. Insufficient calcium intake can cause hair to become rough and dry. Both whey and casein in low-fat yogurt are high-quality proteins. Low-fat yogurt is also rich in vitamin B5, which can prevent graying and hair loss. In addition, cheese, low-fat cheese, and skim milk can also have the same nourishing effect on hair.

Fourth, eggs: ease

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Eggs

Whether you like fried eggs, boiled eggs, or steamed eggs, as long as they are eggs, they can provide high-quality protein. Eggs are rich in four key minerals: zinc, selenium, iron, and sulfur. Iron is especially important for hair, it helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Iron deficiency is the main cause of female hair loss. Meat such as chicken, fish, pork, beef can also bring good iron reserves to the body.

Five, black sesame seeds

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Black Sesame Seeds 1

Black sesame is rich in oleic acid, palmitic acid, vitamin E, folic acid, protein, calcium and other nutrients, especially the high content of fats, which can effectively moisturize the skin and nourish hair, and improve the dryness and breakability of hair Situation has a significant effect.

Six, amaranth

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Amaranth

Amaranth is a vegetable with a delicious flavor and rich nutrition. It contains protein, crude fiber, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and multivitamins, and these nutrients are all important substances necessary for the human body. Amaranth also has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, which is very beneficial for preventing early whitening of hair.

Seven, walnut kernel

7 Foods For Healthy Hair Walnut Kernel

Walnut kernels with a high fat content also contain vitamin C, carotene, protein, oil, sugar and other nutrients. Regular consumption can make hair shiny.

There are still many foods that can maintain your hair. In addition to the above, there are many more, such as wolfberry and jujube. They will promote blood circulation, so the more nutrients you get from your hair. We can also properly massage the scalp, which will also speed up the blood circulation on the scalp, thus playing a role in maintaining the hair.

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