Five Bowls of Hair Care Porridge for Healthy Hair

Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair 1

In addition to warm and delicious porridge, drinking some porridge when you are sick or uncomfortable will not only warm your stomach but also your heart. Especially in the winter, drinking a bowl of hot porridge is simply wonderful. But do you know that drinking porridge can also prevent hair loss?

The porridge is rich in ingredients, relatively comprehensive in nutrition, and easier to be absorbed by the body after cooking, providing as many nutrients as possible for the healthy growth of hair. Today I will share with you some practices of and nutrition porridge. I have all the deliciousness and nutrition in a bowl!

1. Almond porridge

Almond Porridge Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair3

Efficacy: Studies have found that people with are more likely to lack vitamin B6, vitamin E, iron and zinc.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and zinc, which can lower cholesterol and is a super food to fight hair loss.

Ingredients: Fragrant rice, almond, white sugar.


The basmati rice is soaked in advance and the almonds are broken into pieces.

Turn on the fire, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil it, and put the rice into the pot.

Turn to low heat and cover half of the pot.

When it is cooked to eight, about 10 minutes is expected. Add the right amount of crushed almonds and continue to cook on low heat.

After boiling the basmati rice, turn off the heat, season with an appropriate amount of sugar, and serve.

2. Black bean and black rice porridge

Black Bean And Black Rice Porridge Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair

Efficacy: Black beans taste sweet and flat, into the spleen and kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black beans are helpful for anti-aging and have the special function of medical treatment and food therapy.

It contains richer proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other nutrients such as carotene, vitamins B1, B2, and niacin, which are good for delaying aging, dark hair, and beauty.

Raw materials: 50 grams of glutinous rice, 25 grams of black beans, 25 grams of black rice.


Wash black beans, glutinous rice and black rice, and soak in cold water for 3 hours.

Add about 1500 milliliters of cold water to the pot, add black beans, glutinous rice, and black rice, boil over high heat, and then cook on low heat for 10 minutes. When the rotten rice is cooked, add brown sugar and simmer for a while Serve and serve.

3. Amaranth porridge

Amaranth Porridge Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair

Efficacy: Amaranth is rich in nutrients. Regular consumption can be beneficial to the spleen, stomach, and hemostats.

Amaranth is rich in vitamins, and the content of protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and carotene is higher than that of tomato, carrot, and cabbage.

These are all necessary nutrients for the human body, and have a great effect on promoting hair growth.

Amaranth also has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, which is very beneficial for preventing early whitening of hair.

Ingredients: 90 grams of fresh amaranth, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Method: first pour rice into the pot and add water to boil, then add washed amaranth, the ratio of rice to amaranth is 1: 1.

4. Glutinous rice and walnut porridge

Glutinous Rice And Walnut Porridge Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair

Efficacy: Walnuts are rich in vitamin e and iron, which are essential elements for hair growth.

Coupled with jujube, ginger, glutinous rice, etc., it can promote blood circulation and nourish the skin, and it can also promote hair growth.

Ingredients: walnuts, red dates, glutinous rice


First soak the glutinous rice in cold water for 3 hours.

Add walnuts, red dates, and glutinous rice to the pot and cook on high heat.

Add ginger slices and brown sugar when it is cooked, and stir well to bring it out of the pan.

5. Goji Black Sesame Porridge

Goji Black Sesame Porridge Five Bowls Of Hair Care Porridge For Healthy Hair

Efficacy: Black sesame is the best food supplement to prevent hair loss.

It contains important ingredients needed for hair growth, such as lecithin, protein, vitamin E, linoleic acid and so on.

In addition to regular use, it can make the hair dark, but also can nourish blood and kidneys, and promote healthy hair growth.

Ingredients: rice, sticky rice, black sesame, wolfberry.


Wash the glutinous rice and soak it for 3 hours in advance. Pour the rice, glutinous rice and black sesame into the pot, and stir until the pot is boiling.

After the water has boiled, turn to low heat and cook slowly, for about 40 minutes, stirring several times in the meantime.

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