8 Causes Of Hair Loss and How To Prevent

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Hair style is very important to a person’s appearance. Hair not only shows a person’s beauty and ugliness, but also reflects a person’s physical health.

However, is an inevitable problem for people to middle age. Whenever looking in the mirror, bald people are deeply worried about hair problems.

In fact, is divided into physiological hair loss and pathological hair loss. Physiological alopecia is a normal phenomenon, and there is no obvious reduction in hair; pathological alopecia generally refers to the obvious loss of hair, with more than 70 hairs lost every day without the renewal of old and new.

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For middle-aged men, if androgen levels are too high, balding can become extremely common.

With bald hair, the man immediately looked old. Baldness among young people in society is also common now. So what causes baldness?

8 Causes Of

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1. Neurological Alopecia

For middle-aged male friends, they have a lot of responsibilities, too much mental stress, and there is no way to relieve their stress. will occur over time.

2. Endocrine Hair Loss

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, endocrine affects the strength of hair. Once the endocrine hormone regulation is abnormal, then it is likely to cause hair loss such as baldness.

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3. Nutritional Hair Loss

Anyone with certain medical knowledge knows how the internal health of the human body can be directly reflected outside the body. The change in hair quality and color and the strength of the hair is a major manifestation of internal health.

Generally speaking, people who are not prone to hair loss have better nutritional status and metabolism.

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4. Physical Hair Loss

Mechanical irritation can lead to physical hair loss, such as frequent scratching of the scalp by hand, and hair loss due to excessive scratching

On the other hand, frequent exposure to radioactive materials can also cause physical hair loss. There is an important reason for this, namely that the energy rays emitted by radioactive materials will directly damage the proteins contained in the body tissues.

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5. Chemical Hair Loss

Chemical hair loss mainly involves two aspects. One is the abuse of hairdressing cosmetics, like some low-quality hair dyes or perm agents, which contain too many irritating chemicals, which can damage the scalp and increase the possibility of thinning hair.

Second, long-term use of chemical agents or chemicals in the course of receiving anti-cancer treatment eventually leads to hair loss.

In summary, if you don’t want to reduce your hair, it is usually best to reduce the number of perms and dyes, and not to lose your health because of fashion.

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6. Infectious Hair Loss

In the pathogenesis of hair diseases, the infection of pathogens also has a place.

Tinea capitis, alopecia folliculitis, hair loss caused by leprosy, etc., are all infectious hair loss. Some of the hair loss factors are due to fungal infections, some are due to parasitic infections, and some are due to purulent skin diseases.

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7. Congenital Hair Loss

Congenital hair loss has familial inheritance. Hair loss caused by developmental defects manifests as thinning, thin, and stunted hair at birth or after birth, and partial or complete loss of hair on the top of the head.

8. Seasonal Hair Loss

Seasonal hair loss is relatively normal, and it is a physiological phenomenon in which hair loss occurs during the seasons.

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If you find that your hair loss is more noticeable in the fall and winter or hot summer than usual, then it is likely to be seasonal hair loss. This kind of hair loss will improve with the adaptation to the climate, so generally no fuss is needed.

5 Ways To Prevent Baldness For Men

1. Comb Hair

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Many people ignore the common habit of combing their hair. If men want to prevent baldness, the correct way is to comb their hair often, not only in the morning and evening, but also at noon, about ten times.

Also, you can massage your scalp while combing. It is worth noting that it is best to use a wooden comb, which has a better massage effect on the scalp, can accelerate blood circulation, and can also remove dandruff.

2. Quit Smoking And Drink Less

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Scientific research shows that the shrinkage and expansion of scalp capillaries will have a certain effect on hair growth and development. For people who smoke regularly, their scalp health is affected by the intake of nicotine, and smoking also causes the capillaries to contract.

For male patients with hair loss, drinking a small amount of alcohol is not harmful to the body, but not excessive drinking, often drunk. Excessive intake of alcohol by the human body can affect liver health, cause hypertension, obesity, etc. In severe cases, alcohol poisoning is also harmful to brain health.

3. Shampoo

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If hair loss is severe, you should pay more attention when washing your hair. First, use warm water, the water temperature should not be too high, otherwise it is not good for the scalp;

The second is to buy high-quality shampoos in advance, especially not to use strong degreasing and strong alkaline shampoos, otherwise it will cause necrosis of the scalp, which is not conducive to maintaining the luster of hair;

The third is to be cautious when drying the hair. It is best to dry the hair with a thick towel before using the hair dryer to fully absorb the excess moisture on the hair. In addition, the heat of the hair dryer should not be too large. The ideal method is to allow the hair to air dry naturally, so that it will not cause much damage to the hair tissue.

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4. A Reasonable Diet

Nutritional hair loss is mostly caused by lack of nutrition and insufficient blood. Therefore, patients with hair loss should eat more foods rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A and other substances in order to prevent poor hair quality.

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5. Eliminate Mental Tension

Irregular work and rest, insufficient rest time, especially lack of sleep time, etc. can lead to aggravation of baldness. In general, men suffer from habitual depression.

Due to the pressure of work, they are often in a state of anxiety. This is extremely incorrect. To treat hair loss and ease the condition, male patients must learn to scientifically regulate their emotions.

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