How Much Hair Loss Per Day Is Normal? How To Prevent Hair Loss

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Hair contains cells but does not contain nerves and blood vessels. Therefore, for the human body, hair is not an organ. There are still many functions of hair. In addition to increasing the beauty of hair, hair can also protect the head to a certain extent. In general, thin, fluffy hair is very elastic, in addition to helping to withstand minor collisions, it can also help the head evaporate a certain amount of sweat. So hair is very important to people. However, is a relatively normal phenomenon.

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Why Is Hair Loss?

is divided into physiological hair loss and pathological hair loss. Physiological hair loss is very normal, and there are many reasons for pathological hair loss, including the following:

First, neurological hair loss. It is possible that a large part of people have realized that when mental stress is too great, a lot of hair will often fall out. This is because under the influence of mental stress, a person’s central nervous system will be disordered, and hair will become malnourished, which will inhibit the hair’s growth function and put the hair into a resting phase.

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Second, nutritional hair loss. Hair is an external manifestation of the health of the body. If the body is malnourished, the hair quality will deteriorate and the hair color will also deteriorate. Severe malnutrition can lead to diffuse hair loss.

Third, endocrine hair loss. Not only the growth of many organs of the body is affected by endocrine hormones, but the growth of hair is also affected by endocrine hormones. Therefore, when the endocrine is abnormal, is also abnormal.

How Much Per Day Is Normal?

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In general, it is normal to lose about 100 hairs per day, because hair loss is the normal metabolism of the human body. If there is pathological hair loss in the absence of disease, at this time, some proteins and vitamins need to be added appropriately.

How To Prevent Hair Loss?

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First, do not use or use less irritating hair dyes, perm agents, or shampoo products of substandard quality. Second, use plastic combs or plastic head brushes that are prone to static electricity as little as possible. When the environment is seriously polluted, you should wear a hood or wash your hair in time. Third, eat less greasy foods, eat more healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, mulberries or walnuts, and strengthen physical exercise.

Although hair loss is a normal phenomenon of the human body’s metabolism, a large amount of hair loss is abnormal. Therefore, at this time, friends who have too much hair loss need to pay more attention. Often, protein and vitamin supplements are more effective in preventing hair loss.

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