How Often Is It Best To Wash Your Hair?

How Often Is It Best To Wash Your Hair 9

How often is it best to wash your hair? Many people have done wrong all the time. No wonder you wash your hair less and less.

In real life, we all need to wash our hair, so how often is the hair washed? Do you know what kind of hair your hair belongs to? In fact, we wash our hair differently for different hair types. However, many people always do the wrong thing when washing their hair, which leads to more and more hair loss. Only by recognizing your hair quality can you choose the right shampooing method to achieve true cleansing and maintenance of hair.

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Some people think that frequent hair washing will cause severe hair loss, which is a wrong interpretation. Under normal circumstances, as long as the number of per person does not exceed 100 per day, it is a normal metabolism. Many reasons for hair loss caused by shampooing are because you do not understand your hair quality, and do not know when to wash your hair. Now let’s talk about the correct frequency of shampooing for different hair types to help you better care for your hair.

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1. Oily Hair Wash Once Every 1-2 Days

With the change of people’s pace of life and eating habits, the hair out of many people will also change. Oily hair does not mean that the hair itself is oily, but because the oil glands of the scalp are more secreted, most of the secreted substances are oil, and there are some fatty substances, plus dust and other dirty things in the air, together Attach to hair, causing hair to be dirty and oily. The roots of the hair stick to the scalp, the hair looks soft and crumbled, and it seems that the amount of hair is very small. It is really embarrassing to have the scalp exposed. The most distressing thing is that many people with oily hair have obviously washed their hair, and their heads become oily quickly.

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For people with oily hair, if the hair is not easy to get oily, the first thing to solve is the problem of scalp. If your hair is oily, wash it in time and don’t deliberately drag it on for 2-3 days. If you wash your hair too few times, it is easy to stick dirt and other dirt under the condition of oil, clogging the hair follicles of the scalp, prone to itching and dandruff, and easy to lose hair. Therefore, the hair must be cleaned in time. In summer, due to the high temperature and fast hair, it is recommended that people with oily hair wash their hair once a day; in autumn and winter, they can wash it once every two days to keep the scalp as clean and fresh as possible. Only when your scalp is healthy can you grow healthier hair.

2. Dry Hair Wash Once Every 3-4 Days

How to tell if your hair is dry? If your hair ends are often split, and your hair is dry and dull, it will be difficult to comb and even break your hair when it is wet. Basically, you can conclude that your hair is dry. People with dry hair are prone to dandruff. If dandruff cannot be cleaned in time, it will accumulate on the scalp and cause scalp dirt. But if you wash your hair frequently, you will take away the sebum, which will cause dandruff and dry hair. Dry hair, because the scalp secretes less oil, if you wash your hair too often, the hair scales cannot be recovered, which will aggravate the occurrence of the phenomenon.

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How can I tell if my hair is dry quality?, in general, you can choose to wash your hair once every 3 days in the summer and once every 4 days in the winter. Don’t feel dry, and deliberately wait until it is very oily and oily to wash it. If you do not clean the oil for a long time, it will cause the hair follicles to be blocked, and the roots will not be able to absorb nutrients, which will cause hair loss. For people with dry hair, it is recommended to do a hair mask once a week to achieve the effect of hair conditioning. When blowing hair, keep the distance between the hair dryer and the hair at about 15 cm, so as not to directly hurt the scalp. For people with dry hair, generally 50% of the hair can be blown.

3. Mixed Hair Wash Once Every 2-3 Days

Mixed hair is a special type of hair between dry hair and oily hair. It usually refers to scalp oil, but the hair gets drier as it goes to the ends. People with mixed hair will be more distressed when facing the season change. When the weather is dry and the temperature is high, the scalp can easily produce oil, but the tail is very dry. Therefore, for people with this type of hair, the frequency of shampooing should be combined with the seasonal conditions. It is advisable to wash the hair once every 3 days in spring and autumn, and once every 2 days in summer and winter. If you wash your hair too little, it can easily cause dandruff and make your hair look dirty. When the fat increases, the hair will have a bad smell. The scalp is itchy, and it is easy to scratch the scalp if you scratch it hard.

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People with mixed hair should gently massage the scalp with their fingertips when washing their hair to increase blood circulation to the scalp and soothe the scalp. After washing the hair, the roots of mixed hairs need to dry out for a long time, but the hair dryness and hair tips will be slower. Therefore, when blowing hair, we must first blow the hair roots, the hair roots are basically dry, and the hair ends can be naturally air-dried. People with mixed hair, when choosing shampoo, try to choose scalp cleaning and nourishing hair as much as possible. This will not only do a good job of cleaning the scalp, but also nourish the dry and easily split ends.

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