Wash your hair in the morning or at night, which is more harmful?

Wash Your Hair In The Morning Or At Night, Which Is More Harmful

Washing hair is a trivial matter, but it has a bearing on a person’s health. Now some young men and like to wash their hair when they wake up in the morning. They think this is good for getting beautiful hairstyles, because the image is the most important thing for young people, but you know that washing your hair in the morning and evening Which is more harmful?

The disadvantages of washing your hair in the morning

Waking up and washing your hair in the morning are divided into different situations. If you just wash your face, brush your teeth and wash your hair, it is definitely not good. After a restful night of sleep, the blood circulation of the human epidermis is still quite slow. It takes a certain amount of time to work properly. So if you wash your hair just after getting up in the morning, it will stimulate your scalp, which will make your body feel bad.

Wash Your Hair In The Morning Or At Night, Which Is More Harmful 1

The disadvantages of washing hair at night

10:00 pm to 2:00 am is in the regeneration and active period of our scalp cells, and it is also an important period for the repair of body functions. So washing your hair before 10:00 pm can promote scalp cell regeneration. Hot water during shampooing causes capillaries to relax, evaporate water, and lose heat.

Warm tip: after washing your hair in the evening, you should have enough time to let your hair dry before you go to sleep, otherwise you will have a headache when you wake up in the morning.

Hair washing taboo

Wash Your Hair In The Morning Or At Night, Which Is More Harmful 2

Scratching hard: When many friends feel that the scalp is itchy when they wash their hair, they tend to scratch it hard. This will scratch the scalp to a certain extent. Proper massage is best to promote blood circulation of the scalp without harming the scalp.

Wash your hair with cold water: Do not use cold water when washing your hair. It is best to use warm water to wash your hair. Washing your hair with cold water can easily irritate the scalp and cause headaches.

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