How To Avoid Baldness If You Have Genetic Hair Loss Genes

How To Avoid Baldness If You Have Genetic Hair Loss Genes

There are many reasons for hair loss, in addition to increased stress in work and life, as well as hereditary factors in the family. is getting less and less, maybe I haven’t noticed yet, but just like this for one month, two months … Suddenly I became bald one day!

What is hereditary

Hereditary hair loss, as the name implies, is mainly caused by hereditary genes. Hereditary alopecia can also be called androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common type of hair loss. The main mechanism of hair loss is people with hair loss genes. Local scalp hair follicles have increased sensitivity to “hair follicle killer” dihydrotestosterone.

Once dihydrotestosterone is formed, it will start to attack healthy hair follicles. Because hereditary hair loss is more sensitive to hair follicles, it will cause more severe damage to the hair follicles. After the hair follicles atrophy, the hair begins to soften and dry slowly, eventually leading to hair loss occur.

The symptoms of hereditary hair loss in men and are very different. Men generally lose hair from the hairline, and women have diffuse hair loss. Men have a greater chance of developing hereditary hair loss than women. Genetic hair loss is not only related to one of the parents. In fact, it is related to both parents. One of the two parents has a gene for hair loss, which may be passed on to the next generation of children.

Many people with hereditary hair loss gradually become more sensitive to DHT after puberty, resulting in more severe damage to the hair follicles. The hair follicles become smaller, and the hair becomes softer and easier to fall. Hair loss occurs.

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Delayed hair loss method

Adjust your mindset

When you find that you have symptoms of hair loss, seek medical treatment in time to adjust your mentality, eliminate unnecessary tension, and do not increase hair loss due to excessive tension.

Reasonable intake of nutrients

To a certain extent, hair loss is related to nutritional imbalance. Only through a reasonable combination of multiple nutrients can we exert our nutritional functions.

Do daily care

Protect your hair daily to prevent hair loss. Hair is more fragile than usual when it is wet, and you cannot comb it vigorously. Usually people’s favorite dyeing, scalding and curling will cause serious damage to hair.

Ensuring adequate sleep

Prolonged lack of sleep affects blood circulation, which affects scalp blood circulation and leads to increased hair loss. Therefore, it is necessary for hair loss friends to ensure at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

Avoid exposure

The scorching sun causes direct damage to the hair, turning yellow and dry. Therefore, avoid exposure to sunlight in the summer, and pay attention to protection when going out.

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Note that the scalp environment is breathable

Wearing hats and helmets for a long time will make the scalp impermeable to air for a long time, resulting in a harsh scalp environment. In particular, hairline compression on the hairline is more likely to cause hair loss. Therefore, people who wear hats, helmets or hair sets for a long time should pay attention to the ventilation of the scalp environment.

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